
- 9/28/2024

Based on recent discussions in our meetings and our desire to better communicate with members of our post, we will be publishing a monthly newsletter. This will be a way for us to share upcoming events, progress of ongoing efforts, and our standings as a post in relationship to other posts. 
In addition to the newsletter we will be posting to our official website.
We would like to have your feedback too and will set up an email that you can share your knowledge of anything newsworthy that you either like us to share in the newsletter or simply be aware of to assist in our events planning. 
If you haven't received your newsletter yet, send us a note to let us know your current email address. 
Kind regards, 
Wally Hudnall, QM 4149


Keep up-to-date on how the VFW is working to improve the quality of life for veterans, service members & their families and the community.